Being Witnesses

God uses individuals A couple of Sundays back we looked again at what it means to be a Witness for Jesus. Of course we know that Jesus says “You will be my witnesses“ (Acts 1:9). The interesting thing is that there is no exclusion or exception clause in that. The reality, as I mentioned that […]

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Which way now?

Members Meetings should be about more than reports and voting. They should be a place where we celebrate together God’s goodness to us as we look back, where we look forward as the leaders share where God is directing us to take the church, and above all where we pray for God’s powerful work in […]

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“Follow Me”

I wonder who you would follow? It’s amazing how often we choose to follow people we’ve hardly met! The recipe that we hear of on TV from a TV Chef, though you’ve never been to a restaurant of theirs; The advice of a random person you pull up to on the street to ask directions […]

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“Welcome Home”

These are words that most people look forward to. There is something so wonderful about coming back home after time away. Even if it’s only after a day away at work rather than weeks away, coming home is so comforting – ‘Home, sweet home!’. I wonder if you’ve ever thought of church as ‘home’? Of […]

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Small Groups

Small is beautiful essential Like many churches Cambray Baptist Church has Small Groups. And like many other churches Small Groups can look just like various other ministries in the church, such as Men’s ministry or Children’s work: if I’m in that category or interested in that sort of work I can get involved, but if […]

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Examining our Vision

Clear Direction During Christmas Holidays many families decide to out to ‘walk-off lunch’. It’s a great idea! But it’s also helpful to have an idea of where you might go and how you will get there. When sight-seeing it’s amazing how it is possible to ‘bump into’ things to see. But if you have a […]

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Listening to Jethro

We are coming up towards Christmas. I wonder if you’ve started planning for Christmas yet? Maybe the mere thought of it fills you with dread! All those things to do; All the family coming to stay; All the visits to other family to get in; All the presents to buy, and wrap, and hide, and […]

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