TDR: 7 January ‘Let him deny himself’ (Matthew 16:24)

‘Let him deny himself’ (MATTHEW 16:24) It is required by Jesus that every disciple should practise self-denial. We must deny and crucify the workings of self-righteousness, and venture alone upon His work and worth for our salvation. And we must mortify the pride of reason and intellect, and believe as His word reveals, and walk […]

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2015 Resolutions and Life in the Spirit

As we enter a new year, it is customary to list our new hopes and priorities, sometimes described as ‘resolutions’. Apparently the majority of New Year Resolutions made last January (according to a YouGov poll for The Times) centred on exercise, weight and health.  Although ‘New Year Resolutions’ tend to receive bad press in our […]

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Tim Welch reminds us of the issues he raised when he led a discussion at a recent Church Members’ Meeting on future church structures. He plans to say more to us about these issues when he returns from his sabbatical. The old wineskins of organisational life at Cambray are creaking and straining. The spiritual fervour […]

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A Pastoral Epistle!

A Pastoral Epistle! It is a special joy to warmly welcome Tim, Melody and Ethan Martin to Cambray, as Tim comes to join us as our new Associate Pastor. We are delighted that the mind of the gathered church sensed the will of God prompting us that Tim Martin was to be God’s choice for […]

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Unwrapping Christmas

If somehow you could strip away all the trappings of your life and faith as a Christian, what would be left? What should be left? This is a question that I ask myself from time to time, to check that I’m not simply worshipping the church, friends, comfort, family, or any of the other blessings […]

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