TDR: 2 June (Genesis 32:9)

‘I will deal well with you’ (Genesis 32:9) Just as the Lord promised Jacob, and the promises made unto our fathers, so He will fulfil unto us their children. But such a promise does not exclude great trials, sore temptations, deep personal afflictions, fiery persecutions, poverty, disappointments, and perplexity; all these things may happen to […]

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TDR: 31 May (Proverbs 12:13)

‘The innocent shall escape trouble’ (Proverbs 12:13) The Lord’s people are justified by grace, through faith, in the righteousness of Jesus; and all who are justified are created anew; they have immortal principles of holiness and justice implanted in their hearts; so that they hate sin, follow holiness, and walk uprightly. Sin has no dominion […]

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TDR: 21 May (Malachi 2:15)

‘Guard yourself in your spirit’ (Malachi 2:15) The spirit of the Christian believer should be characterized by forbearance, humility, and love; they are exhorted to put away all anger, wrath, evil speaking, and malice; and to clothe themselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and to be ready to forgive [Colossians 3:8, 12]. A bitter, […]

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