TDR: 19 May (2 Kings 4:23)

‘It shall be well’ (2 Kings 4:23) This was the language of a believer in trouble; and it should be our language under similar circumstances. Our trials, troubles, and difficulties may be great; but it shall be well with those who fear God. Are you alarmed at the powerful working of corruption within you? It […]

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TDR: 12 May (Isaiah 54:17)

‘Their righteousness is from me, declares the LORD’ (Isaiah 54:17) The longer the Christian lives, the more they learn; and the more the Holy Spirit teaches them, the more they loathe themselves, renouncing their own righteousness as filthy rags. They hoped to grow in holiness, to feel their corruptions subdued, and to enjoy the presence […]

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TDR: 3 May (Micah 4:9)

‘Has your Counsellor perished?’ (Micah 4:9) The Lord’s people need counsel, and Jesus is given to them as a COUNSELLOR. He is exactly suited to their needs, being possessed of infinite wisdom, unbounded benevolence, great experience, and high honour. He never lost a cause. He counsels freely, cheerfully, and successfully. He turns the counsel of […]

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