Holiday Bible Club 2024

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Church Manager Vacancy

We are prayerfully looking for a new Church Manager to join the Cambray team. Our Church Manager makes a vital contribution to the smooth running of…

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Make your student time a time of growth, encouragement and vision.

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We are committed to obeying Christ's commission; individually, locally, nationally and internationally.

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20s & 30s

At Cambray we have a vibrant 20s and 30s programme, helping you grow and to move into church life.

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Children and Youth

We have a thriving children's and young people's ministry.

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Cambray Bookstall

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Friday Youth

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Open Church / Warm Space

Every Friday from 12pm to 2pm we hold Open Church, which also is our ‘Warm Space’, in the main part of the church building for…

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Unwrapping Christmas

If somehow you could strip away all the trappings of your life and faith as a Christian, what would be left? What should be left? This is a question that I ask myself from time to time, to check that I’m not simply worshipping the church, friends, comfort, family, or any of the other blessings…

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The Changing World of Mission in a Changing World

At the outset, I passionately affirm that the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ never changes: ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8). As his followers, we have been commissioned to ‘go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them ! and teaching them to obey everything I (Jesus) have commanded…

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Day Of Prayer

Tuesday November 12th Join us if possible in the School Room at either 8am-9am or 8pm-9pm or wherever you are for prayer.

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Church Conga

A live interview on Premier Radio, as Dave Rose chats with our Senior Pastor Tim Welch about church life at Cambray (recorded on 7/10/2013)

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Watch your Appetites!

I was reading an article from the Christian magazine The Briefing recently, when I was stopped short by one particular sentence: “Esau was the one who had sold his birthright and his part in God’s promise. He had been part of God’s covenant people, but he valued his own appetites more.“ Do you know the…

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Gathered AND Scattered

As the new academic year starts this September, so I commence my sixth year at Cambray. It is a good chance to write about the dominant longing I have in view of the past five years, and anticipating the coming years: to become the sort of church that Jesus wants: gathered AND scattered. Herein are…

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Road Closures

15th September sees Cheltenham Roads closed for a Half Marathon. Rodney Road will be closed preventing vehicle access from 8.45am approx. The front of Church should be accessible all day. The morning service will still take place, but if planning to attend, please allow plenty of time to travel, or plan to walk. Roads should…

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20’s & 30’s Away Day

If you are in the 20’s – 30’s age range, please join the small group for an away day on 14th September at Widcombe Baptist Church, Bath. It will be a time of fellowship and learning. Price is tentatively set at £3. Any queries can be directed through the Church Office or directly to Sarah…

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Cambray Kickabout is a fun centred football match without any training sessions, just for people to enjoy having a kick about! Resuming on September 10th, it is held each Tuesday at Dean Close School Sports Centre 6.45-7.45pm. Furhter details are available from, or the church office 01242 584672.

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