Holiday Bible Club 2024

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Church Manager Vacancy

We are prayerfully looking for a new Church Manager to join the Cambray team. Our Church Manager makes a vital contribution to the smooth running of…

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Make your student time a time of growth, encouragement and vision.

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We are committed to obeying Christ's commission; individually, locally, nationally and internationally.

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20s & 30s

At Cambray we have a vibrant 20s and 30s programme, helping you grow and to move into church life.

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Children and Youth

We have a thriving children's and young people's ministry.

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Cambray Bookstall

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Friday Youth

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Open Church / Warm Space

Every Friday from 12pm to 2pm we hold Open Church, which also is our ‘Warm Space’, in the main part of the church building for…

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Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

If there is no growth, there is a big problem. Jesus (Matt 7:17-19) said that we know a tree by it’s fruit, and a healthy tree will grow good fruit – in other words, the Spirit of God within must produce the life of God within. So let's go for growth!

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Jesus + Nothing

Jesus + Nothing

We’re so programmed to want something more. that we can struggle when we hear the Bible’s call to Jesus as our everything. The whole Bible points to Jesus, and Jesus only. He is what we need …

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Preparing for University

Preparing for University

My journey to University was pretty uneventful – I attended the University that was literally just across the road from my school. And, because my Father lectured there, I had been there with him many times before. But it was also a huge moment. It was the time when I was free from home, free…

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Why your true identity matters

Why your true identity matters

We all have an identity. I don’t mean your passport. I mean how you view yourself and how you portray yourself to others. From the moment we are born we learn identity. ‘Hello cutie’, a mother might say to her baby, ‘Aren’t you just gorgeous’. As we grow we’ll hear ‘you’re so clever’, ‘you are…

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Sex in God’s sight

Sex in God’s sight

There is one church service I particularly recall, for all the wrong reasons. The sermon was on Song of Songs 4, in which the ‘Lover’ is admiring his ‘Beloved’. The passage makes pretty graphic reference to her physical appearance, and to his physical desire for her. Now, we do know that Song of Songs is…

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Intentional Sport

Intentional Sport

I wonder whether you have good or bad memories of Primary School playground sport. I remember vividly the ;line up’ while teams were picked. The fear of being left out, not wanted. The joy of being chosen! And then the friendships built up as we amateurishly kicked the ball around the playground thinking we were…

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Steps to Freedom

Steps to Freedom

I once saw a Garfield (i.e. the overweight cat) cartoon. He was passing a Pet Shop and saw all the animals in cages. Rushing inside Garfield opened all the cages and yelled “You’re free”. But the animals were so used to their cages and afraid of the world ‘out there’ that they cowered in their…

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Where is God as we grieve?

Where is God as we grieve?

Losing a loved one is an intensely personal event. Your relationship with the one you have lost is just that – your relationship. Your sadness and hurt are a sign of the love that you gave and bonds that you formed. And no-one else is quite like you – your upbringing, life experiences, past loss…

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Parenting – it takes a community

Parenting – it takes a community

When facing big challenges, having folk you can call on to help is amazing! We’ve moved house a number of times, and have been so blessed to have church friends who have come alongside to help on moving day. We’ve faced bereavement and have had the privilege of having those who have walked with us…

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