Holiday Bible Club 2024

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Church Manager Vacancy

We are prayerfully looking for a new Church Manager to join the Cambray team. Our Church Manager makes a vital contribution to the smooth running of…

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Make your student time a time of growth, encouragement and vision.

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We are committed to obeying Christ's commission; individually, locally, nationally and internationally.

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20s & 30s

At Cambray we have a vibrant 20s and 30s programme, helping you grow and to move into church life.

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Children and Youth

We have a thriving children's and young people's ministry.

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Cambray Bookstall

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Friday Youth

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Open Church / Warm Space

Every Friday from 12pm to 2pm we hold Open Church, which also is our ‘Warm Space’, in the main part of the church building for…

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Married for God

Married for God

Preparing for marriage is a potentially stressful time! So much to think about – date, location, dress, suits, flowers, service order, seating plans, reception venue, food, music and so much more. But, of course, I’ve got that wrong – that’s just preparing for a wedding! That’s just a single day. But being prepared for Marriage…

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Watch the drift

Watch the drift

For one youth event in Bath, we took the 11-14 group down to the Bath Boathouse to hire out punts. Needless to say, lots of the young people got very wet, and there was a lot of laughter. But there is one thing I remember well. You’ll probably be aware that you have to be…

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Moving on boldly

Moving on boldly

These verses are so relevant to our times. “Moses said to the LORD, ‘Then the Egyptians will hear about it! By your power you brought these people up from among them. And they will tell the inhabitants of this land about it. They have already heard that you, LORD, are with these people and that…

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Trusting God in uncertain times…

Trusting God in uncertain times…

We are meeting online during November 2020, but hope to be meeting again physically soon. You can book in now for future physical gatherings or see our YouTube page for past online and live-streamed services, or use this window for the most recent service: During this time, our Small Groups are still the mainstay of…

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Living the Vision

Living the Vision

Love When Paul, who loved and was praising God for the Philippian Christians, was praying with thanksgiving for those believers he said this: “This is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight…” (Phil 1:9). In salvation believers are brought into a new intimate loving relationship with…

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Use your gifts

Use your gifts

Me? Gifted? We’re a long way from Christmas (only 116 days to go!). But, do you know what you want for Christmas? It’s not the most important question in the world, but if you don’t know what you want then the gifts you’ll get may join the others you’ve never used in the back of…

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Co-mission[ing] As we enter into September for some of our Church family it will be the start of University life or working life. I still remember the four times when Ann or I made that trip to a new University to see one of our children into their University accommodation and start their Degree studies.…

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God’s Day

God’s Day

Having a Weekly Holiday Holy Day Imagine this: After years of working every single day of your life, a new boss comes in and says that you can have a day a week where you stay away from work! In fact, you are to ensure that you deliberately do not do any work on that…

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Reaching a Rational World

Reaching a Rational World

Introduction We live in a world which is still hugely influenced by ‘rationalism’. Rationalism can be defined as a system of thought or philosophy that “regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge” (Encyclopedia Britannica). Often this is manifest in the elevation of science or a similar system of induction or proof as…

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