Holiday Bible Club 2024

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Church Manager Vacancy

We are prayerfully looking for a new Church Manager to join the Cambray team. Our Church Manager makes a vital contribution to the smooth running of…

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Make your student time a time of growth, encouragement and vision.

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We are committed to obeying Christ's commission; individually, locally, nationally and internationally.

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20s & 30s

At Cambray we have a vibrant 20s and 30s programme, helping you grow and to move into church life.

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Children and Youth

We have a thriving children's and young people's ministry.

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Cambray Bookstall

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Friday Youth

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Open Church / Warm Space

Every Friday from 12pm to 2pm we hold Open Church, which also is our ‘Warm Space’, in the main part of the church building for…

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God’s people for God’s Kingdom

God’s people for God’s Kingdom

It’s getting to ‘crunch time’ in many sports. It’s just that time of year. In football or rugby it’s coming to the end of the season and clubs are fighting for cups or league titles, or to not get relegated. In Motorsport the new season is just getting underway, but early season performance lays the…

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Do you recall?

Do you recall?

I wonder what verses you have learnt off by heart? Its a dying discipline for many, but it’s a great thing to do (see Ps 119:11, for example!). One of the first verses I learnt because I decided to (rather than as a requirement for getting a prize at Sunday School!) was Eph 2:8-9. I…

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Good News of Great Joy

Good News of Great Joy

When the angel spoke to the Shepherds at the first Christmas, the glory of the Lord shone and the Shepherds heard this: “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people.” When we’ve heard or seen something often enough, we tend to lose the wonder and awe of it. Recently…

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Cambray supports CAP

Cambray supports CAP

At Cambray we are committed to the work of Christians Against Poverty and partner with them to see lives changed through the reduction of debt and poverty. We run a CAP Money Course, a revolutionary money management course that gives delegates the opportunity to learn skills that have a lasting impact on their finances.  Please…

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“Consecrate yourselves”

“Consecrate yourselves”

Recently on a Sunday morning I was talking about the ‘Life of Faith’ of Abel, and I started with a [true] story of a Pastor in the US gambling town of Reno. He was asked in a conference ‘What has being a Pastor in Reno to do with gambling?’. His reply was shocking and unexpected…

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Looking back, Looking Forward

Looking back, Looking Forward

It’s summer! The sun is shining, the days are warm, and we even had amazing weather at our Church Picnic too! For some schools the holidays are just days away, for students they have already begun, and for some pupils there are only three weeks left until the long summer holidays. This is a time…

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Where are you going?

Where are you going?

Summer is coming! Have you planned your holiday yet? Are you already dreaming of sunny beaches and lazy days? I guess most of us who are able will plan the usual beach holiday, or maybe something slightly more adventurous. But, have you ever thought about using your holiday to do something more? And what if…

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Summer People

Summer People

The sun is here (well, as much as we get in the UK)! People you’ve not seen all winter are coming out from ‘hibernation’ in front of TVs, log fires and blankets. Fair-weather runners and cyclists have returned to the streets. And people are dining ‘al fresco’ in gardens and on streets all around the…

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Being Witnesses

Being Witnesses

God uses individuals A couple of Sundays back we looked again at what it means to be a Witness for Jesus. Of course we know that Jesus says “You will be my witnesses“ (Acts 1:9). The interesting thing is that there is no exclusion or exception clause in that. The reality, as I mentioned that…

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