Holiday Bible Club 2024

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Church Manager Vacancy

We are prayerfully looking for a new Church Manager to join the Cambray team. Our Church Manager makes a vital contribution to the smooth running of…

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Make your student time a time of growth, encouragement and vision.

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We are committed to obeying Christ's commission; individually, locally, nationally and internationally.

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20s & 30s

At Cambray we have a vibrant 20s and 30s programme, helping you grow and to move into church life.

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Children and Youth

We have a thriving children's and young people's ministry.

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Cambray Bookstall

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Friday Youth

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Open Church / Warm Space

Every Friday from 12pm to 2pm we hold Open Church, which also is our ‘Warm Space’, in the main part of the church building for…

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Easter People at Cambray!

Easter People at Cambray Easter 2015, and once again we meet together to remember the pivotal events in the life of Jesus that first Easter weekend. Along with Christians around the world, we will commemorate and celebrate the anniversary of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The events that first Easter are rooted in…

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Receive ‘The Daily Remembrancer’ direct via email

James Smith wrote these daily meditations on God’s Word as an act of love and support for his people in the 19th century. As one of his successors at Cambray, I have set myself the task of re-typing them, slightly updating some of the language, with the hope that many of the Cambray church family…

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Lifeboat Station or Exclusive Club? Discuss.

During my 25 years of church ministry, one story has come to my attention again and again since I first used it as a sermon illustration in the early 90’s. You have probably heard it before, but I use it here as the basis of my February piece, in the hope that this will be…

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Verse of the Year 2015

This year’s verse of the year is Galatians 5 v 25. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

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2015 Resolutions and Life in the Spirit

As we enter a new year, it is customary to list our new hopes and priorities, sometimes described as ‘resolutions’. Apparently the majority of New Year Resolutions made last January (according to a YouGov poll for The Times) centred on exercise, weight and health.  Although ‘New Year Resolutions’ tend to receive bad press in our…

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Pastor James Smith selected these Bible verses and wrote daily thoughts for his people in the early 1840’s. Demand for them grew quickly and by 1846 over 30,000 copies were in circulation. They continue to encourage and strengthen many disciples around the world today and readers will quickly realise just how relevant God’s Word and…

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What do you [want] NEED for Christmas?

As we come to the final edition of another year’s Cambray magazine production, I wish to thank Michael Hews our multi-gifted editor and Jackie Champion for her professional eye with design layout, and the excellent team who print and collate our church magazine every month. It is a major means of communication and enables the…

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‘There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven’ Ecclesiastes 3 is a very helpful companion as we try to figure out wisdom for life and work. There is indeed a time to work and a time to rest! And I have been immensely privileged to be granted a sabbatical…

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Tim Welch reminds us of the issues he raised when he led a discussion at a recent Church Members’ Meeting on future church structures. He plans to say more to us about these issues when he returns from his sabbatical. The old wineskins of organisational life at Cambray are creaking and straining. The spiritual fervour…

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